Hugo ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bear Blog


Customizing the domain for Notion and integrating it with Apple Calendar is an incredibly marvelous endeavor.Below, I shall present to you a demonstration showcasing the process of establishing the desired integration.

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Dear friends, behold the moment of witnessing miracles. Join me eagerly as we embark on this hands-on endeavor.

Customizing the domain for Notion.

First and foremost, procure a domain name and associate it with Cloudflare.You may acquire detailed insights on the operational procedures by referring to this article.

Subsequently, within Cloudflare, you must establish a worker and input the corresponding code.

By copying the URL of the Notion page, generate your script code on this website.You may also follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the video below for guidance.

Synchronize your Notion calendar board with Apple Calendar

You can establish connections between Notion databases through the website.The following video provides a comprehensive explanation, invest some time, and you shall achieve success!


💡 Special acknowledgment is given to the authors below who have provided inspiration.
🌺  ✨notion页面添加域名攻略/作品集网站
🌺  3分钟替换域名|Notion教程
🌺 太酷啦!Notion日历终于可以同步到苹果日历还有谷歌日历啦!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the comment section, and we’ll catch up next time! Goodbye!
